Monday, October 25, 2010

Finally on a Bike!

     We had a good week this week. We have been finding a lot of new investigators, and this week we were able to teach the most lessons that we've taught since I've been here, which was good. And it payed off, because we had 4 investigators at sacrament meeting. David Ackley came, we're still just waiting for him to be able to quit smoking so he can be baptized, Jeff Peak was there, then Chris and Jessica Ruiz came to church as well. They've really been getting back on track. It's taken a long time, but I'm glad they are finally getting there. We decided to go visit Lela Ruiz, Chris's mom (who is a less active member) and had a really good lesson with her. She said she is going to be at church every week from now on for all 3 hours and I think she's going to do it. She was there this week, and that really helped to get Chris there. So we're relying on her a lot to help Chris and Jessica get to church and get back on track towards getting baptized. They have a lot of changes that need to be made still, but they are heading in the right direction now. We've had a lot of success working with Part-Member families as well. It was funny at church we were going over our progress record as well as just talking to various members about how the work is going and there were so many times that people were just like "you visited with who? How did you get in?" Apparently just the fact that we were able to get in the door with several of these families we've started working with is HUGE progress and a lot more then has ever happened in the past. So we've really been blessed a lot this week, the work here is going great. One thing that I think is going to help the work too is that we are going to be in a car share starting this week. That means that we won't have the car full time any more. Geographically we have a really small area, the smallest I've ever served in. Honestly the only reason we have a car is the fact that we are Zone Leaders. Zone Leaders always have cars full time because of all the traveling we do. But we were on exchanges with Centerton on Friday and I was talking to Elder Schofield, who I'm really good friends with, and decided that they really need a car. Their area is a lot bigger then ours, the work there is on fire, and they are on bikes full time. So I asked him if having a car would help them out at all, of course he said yes, and so I just called President right there and asked how he would feel if we shared the car. Of course he was fine with it, since it would help the work out and it was us volunteering to give up our car (he always likes that) and so starting immediately we only have the car every other week. It's kind of funny because I haven't ever been in a bike area at all the entire 23 and a half months I've been out, and now 2 out of my last 3 weeks will be on a bike. I'm excited to do more biking. :) And honestly I think it will be good for our area too, we'll get to talk to a lot more people and find a lot of people to teach. Things are going great though. I love you all!

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