Wednesday, November 10, 2010

11/1 E-Mail:Halloween Baptism

     Happy Halloween! (yesterday...) Did you do anything fun this weekend for Halloween? Ours was pretty exciting. The ward had a trunk-or-treat on Saturday, which we went to and handed out candy for some members while they went around the cars with their son. Then they took us to Sonic afterward. :) It was fun. Then Sunday night we went to a baptism. Of course we don't proselyte on Halloween night, so that was about the most perfect activity we could have asked for. It was one of the investigators that the sisters are teaching up in Bella Vista. Her name is Beverly, and it was really cool because Elder Kowalk served in Bella Vista this time last year and he is the one that actually tracted into her about 10 months ago! He only got to teach her a couple of times, though, then he got transferred. So when Beverly found out that he just got transferred back up to this area she asked if he could baptize her! That was a really neat experience for him. He hasn't seen nearly as much success as he deserves on his mission, so it was really awesome for him to be able to participate in that. The whole baptismal service was really amazing as well, one of the most spiritual that I've been to. It was cool. Honestly though, besides that our week was kind of rough. We only taught about half as many lessons as we taught last week, and of the 5 investigators that gave us really strong commitments that they would be at church yesterday, none showed up. We just had a lot of stuff fall through on us, and it was tough. It was good though, it gave us a chance to do a lot of tracting and talk to a lot of people. (it also helped that we were on bikes this week) We found a lot of great people that I'm really excited to get to start teaching this week. We've also gotten some great member referrals this week, so things are looking up. Just pray for us that we'll be able to see all these new people and build up the teaching pool here again! I love you all! See you in a couple of weeks!

with Elder Kowalk

Our District: Elder Schofield, Elder Phillips, Elder Moosman, Elder Rieske, Elder Goodale and Elder Kowalk

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