Monday, October 11, 2010

10/4 e-mail: General Conference / Last Transfer

Following is Elder Goodale's e-mail from October 4th; sorry I'm so late in posting again!
We had a great week. General Conference was amazing! As usual. I've never been disappointed by a General Conference yet... scary though that that was my last one (as a full-time missionary). My last transfer starts next week! So transfer calls came and Elder Bustamante is leaving, which we expected but it's still sad. He's a really great missionary. The cool thing though is that my new companion is Elder Kowalk! If you remember I served with him for one transfer way back in Miami. It's crazy we are getting to serve together again, I'm excited. It'll be fun because last time we served together I had been out 6 months and he had been out 3 months, so we were both brand new and had no idea what we were doing. We just went out and worked! So it'll be fun serving together again, this time as Zone Leaders, at the end of our missions, with all the extra knowledge we've gained. I haven't seen him since then, so it'll be cool to see how much he's grown. It's going to be a great transfer too, we've got a lot going on. Pwordes is going to be baptized on Saturday, and this week we set another baptismal date for a man named Doug for November 13. We've only taught him once, but he's really cool. He recently moved up here from Mississippi. David (investigator) and one of the church members are going to be married on October 16. Then this one family came to a session of conference, they are doing awesome! They are the part member family I told you about. We were able to get Austin to cub scouts on Tuesday, and he's planning on going back every week. My main goal before I leave is to help that whole family to be baptized. I'm excited for them. What else happened this week... We went and did service Friday morning at a place called Helping Hands, we're going to be going there every week now. It'll be good. The only service we've been able to find thus far has been at the Library, and this Helping Hands thing will be a lot better. How has the weather been there? It's been COLD here! Yesterday it didn't get above 60 all day, and this morning when we left to go work out at 5:45, we had to scrape the ice off our windows! It's way to early to have to use an ice scraper! Especially in Arkansas! I think it's supposed to warm up a little this week though. I was surprised to have lows in the 30s this early in the season. So for exercise here there is a member family, the Fife's, who have their own personal gym right on their property that is really nice. And it's a totally private place. So 3 days a week we get up at 5:45 and go work out there, then 3 days a week we go running, I've been doing a minimum of 3 miles, sometimes more. I feel great, the best I've felt on my mission. I love you all! Have a great week!

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