Monday, October 11, 2010

9/27 e-mail: Beautiful NW Arkansas

I'm sorry I'm two weeks late in posting e-mails from Elder Goodale. This one here is from his e-mail of September 29th. In the first paragraph, he's extolling the virtues of NW Arkansas, telling me I should look for a job there. Maybe I should!
Northwest Arkansas is a really great place. It's cheap, it's beautiful (I'm sure you've never dated a girl like that...), and the church is really, really strong here. The city of Centerton, which borders Bentonville, is called "little Provo."
The work is going awesome here too, at least in Bentonville 1st Ward. We've got a bunch of great investigators right now that I talked about in my email to mom. And it was cool we went on splits with the bishopric on Wednesday, I went with the Bishop and Elder Bustamante went with one of his counselors. Bishop Chandler and I went to go visit those 2 part member families, and we had really great lessons with both of them. Bishop was way excited because those are two families that aren't on the records, that we found through our own efforts, that are going to lead to several baptisms. He was very excited to go to both of them and then when we had such awesome, spiritual lessons with both of them it was obvious that the Bishop really trusts Elder Bustamante and I now. That's not to brag or anything, It's just awesome that we really have such strong trust and support now from him. That will help alot, and increase on the already great things that are going on here. I'm very excited.
This next one is from an e-mail he sent to Michelle that day, as well:
Things are going well here, we have another baptism set for October 9, his name is Portes. He's Pompeiian (spelling?), basically he's from the Micronesian Islands. Remember way back in Miami I was saying there were a lot of Chuukese people? Well Pompeii is another island very close by. Both are part of Micronesia. He's pretty cool. We've got a bunch of others that are close too. There is a part member family that I may have mentioned to you before. There are a couple of other part member families, as well, that are also making a lot of progress. I anticipate Hannah, who is 16, and Nathan, who is 12, both having baptismal dates this week and we're hoping also that another family (mom Andrea, 10 year old Alicia and 9 year old Austin) will have dates soon as well. I would like to see a total of 10 baptisms in this area, which is very very possible with those 7 I just talked about plus the baptism we had last week. That would make 8 that I am very confident will happen, and we have a very large teaching pool right now, and still finding more, with several others that very well could be baptized before I leave in November. I'm really excited for the work that is going on right now.

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