Monday, December 14, 2009

Transfer to St. Robert, MO

Both last week's e-mail and this week's were very short; he seems really busy with the work, which is good! He's transferring this week to St. Robert, Missouri (the city's official home page here; the Wikipedia entry here). 2000 census indicates population of 2,760, which would make it one of the bigger cities he's served in on his mission! :-)
Hey! How's it going? How's everybody's week? Things are going great here. Nothing really new is going on, except that transfer calls were Saturday! I've been called as a Zone Leader (pray for me!!!), and I'll be serving in St. Robert, Missouri. It's a couple hours east of here, up in the top Northeast corner of the mission, actually just a couple hours south of St. Louis. It's about the furthest I could possibly be from the mission home... It should be alot of fun serving there. It's actually right next door to Ft. Leonard Wood, a big military base. So I may be teaching a whole lot of Army people... I'm looking forward to it. I'll be way sad to leave Stockton, though. Especially just a week before Christmas... Other than that, not too much new is happening. The whole Bradshaw family came to church again, they are doing great, and of course Emily came again, and also Curtis and Megan came for the first time. They loved it! They said they will definitely be back. So things are going great, this area is on fire right now. The Lord has really really blessed us. It'll be sad to leave. Wish me luck! Sorry I don't have any more to say... Have a great week!

Oh by the way, if you have any letters either send them to the mission home or hold off on sending them until next Monday when I can get you my new address. Thanks! Love you!
Brigance family. Top to bottom: Sister Brigance, Kylie, Rob McGowin (son in law), Molly McGowin, Tanner, Brother Brigance, Bailey

Me and the Brigance Family

Elder Moxon and I with Brother Brigance

Me and the Brigance family

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