Monday, December 21, 2009

New Address / Pictures

Elder Goodale usually ships us a box of stuff each time he transfers, with things like the letters he's received, his daily planners, and so on. But most importantly, usually in those packages is a memory card from his digital camera. Today was no different, and we received 104 pictures and videos almost entirely from his last area, Stockton, Missouri. To the right here is a picture of Elder Goodale with Matt, a young man that they taught; this picture is taken at Matt's baptism. I have posted all of the photos and some of the videos (here on Facebook; here on Flickr - these aren't labeled yet, but hopefully we'll get to that soon).

Elder Goodale's new address is as below. Please write him!!! :-)
Elder Justin Goodale
181 East Lawn Ave. Apt 124
PO Box 929
St. Robert, MO 65584
Anyway... below is the e-mail he sent from today.
Merry Christmas!!! How is everybody doing? I can't wait to talk to you on Friday! To answer your question, Mom, that will work fine to call in the morning. I don't know the exact time I'll call, but it'll be good and early for you... :) Things here are awesome! I love St. Robert. As I said last week, it's right next door to Fort Leonard Wood, so basically everybody here is military. Over half the ward (which is huge) is in the military. It's a really great ward. Really missionary oriented. They don't really have any ward mission plan except just go baptize 'em, and it works! Everybody here is great about sharing the gospel. Elder Johnson (my trainer, who I replaced here) was nice and even had 2 baptisms set up my first week here! One, Jeff, is tomorrow night and then we have another, Lydon, on Saturday. It's going to be awesome. Elder Hirshfeld and I are shooting for 6 baptisms this transfer, and it's totally going to happen! Elder Spencer Hirshfeld, my new companion, is an awesome missionary and I'm excited to serve with him. Another cool thing about being here is that as Zone Leaders we get to go on exchanges with all the District Leaders in the Zone (just 2 districts, this is the smallest zone in the mission), one of whom is my MTC companion, Elder Phillips! I'm way excited to go on exchanges with him.

Oh and by the way, I'm about as far north as I can get in this mission, and I'll be here all winter! I'm so excited. Last winter, down in deep Arkansas, we didn't even really have winter. But it actually snows here! That's all for now, again I can't wait to talk to you on Friday. Love you all!

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