Monday, December 14, 2009

E-Mail of December 7th

Willard District Schofield, Scholle, Raleigh, Moxon, Me, Robinson
Sorry I'm late in posting Elder Goodale's e-mail from LAST week, just as THIS week's came in. I'll post that separately, but here's his e-mail of last week.
Happy December! How is everybody? Ready for Christmas Break, I'm sure... How is the weather there in Boise? It's finally started to cool down this last week, hopefully for good this time...It's even gotten down into the teens a couple of nights this week! I know that's nothing for ya'll up there, but it's been COLD for here this early. It even snowed (briefly) on Wednesday! And we should be getting more this week. I'm glad winter is finally here.

Elder Moxon and I as shepherds for the ward Christmas party 12/5/09

First snow

In front of a Methodist Church in Willard, MO
We had an awesome week this week. The Bradshaws all came to church again, and actually 3 of them got up and bore their testimonies! 6-year old Brandon, 8-year old Jason, and 15-year old Marlena all bore their testimonies in Sacrament Meeting. Emily Dickens, who's still waiting on her mom's permission to be baptized, also bore her testimony. And so did Matt, who was baptized last Saturday. And he got the Aaronic Priesthood on Sunday as well! It was an awesome Sunday. There was alot of awesome stuff that happened this week, unfortunately I'm out of time on the computer. Sorry! Love you! Have a great week!

The Broadbent's house that we helped build

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