Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Robert E. Lee Day

It was great to hear from Justin today. Normally we hear from him on Mondays, but they changed their Preparation Day this week due to Robert E. Lee's birthday yesterday. I love it!!! :-)
Hey everybody! That's so exciting about Dad's job! How is everybody else doing? Sorry this is a day later than usual, we decided to move our preparation day to Tuesday this week because we figured there would be more people at home on Monday because of Robert E. Lee's birthday. Down here that's what they celebrate while the rest of ya'll are celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. day... We had another great week, though! It finally snowed! On Thursday morning we had a blizzard, by Arkansas standards! By 10am there was like an inch of snow on the ground! And by noon there was none... It's actually kind of trying to snow right now, too. We've had a couple of flakes here and there. The work is still progressing very well here in Clarksville. Francis has finally settled (we hope) on February 7 for his baptism, so we'll be excitedly working towards that. He just has a lot of unrelated things going on in his life right now that he wants to try to get worked out before jumping into this. So we're letting him take his time with it, but we are also trying to encourage him to do it sooner rather than later, because we know that once he's baptized and receives the Gift of the Holy Ghost that it will really help him sort his life out. Well... Other than that I don't really have too much to report. Hopefully this next week is more exciting. Love you! Can't wait for your letters!

This man was crazy! As I'm sure you can imagine, he wasn't the nicest person we've ever talked to.. Gave the McCain-Palin ticket a real good name too. Plus look at the window on the far right. See how the curtain is open a little? On my camera I zoomed way in and we're pretty sure he was watching us through the window as we took the picture.

For reference, look at the minivan next to it. It's twice as tall!

Only in Arkansas

We saw this huge cross driving in to Clarksville. It is probably at least 50 feet tall.

Our car after the first ice storm. It's is kinda funny that we thought this was bad, cuz it's nothing compared to later storms. But that is much thicker than it looks.

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