Monday, January 12, 2009

Baptism / Move

We received the following short report from Elder Goodale today. How exciting that one of their investigators got baptized yesterday!!! Note the reference to Alex. Alex is his cousin (2nd cousin? first cousin once removed? - I don't know those titles; Justin's mom's cousin's son), Elder Alex Dillion, whom is serving a mission in Washington, DC. He and his companion got mugged a couple weeks ago; got beat up pretty bad, but recovering nicely.

Please note that while he has not transferred, Elder Goodale has moved and his address has changed.
Hey everybody! I'm glad everything's going so well at home. I love getting all of your letters. Hopefully everything keeps going well and all of Dad's meetings go well this week. But hopefully your week isn't as exciting as Alex's was a couple weeks ago... That's so crazy that that happened. I hope he's doing alright.

So first things first - I'm moving today. We are moving in with another member that lives about 10 miles closer to town. They are awesome, it's actually the Bishop's parents. And they are ordinance workers in the Oklahoma City temple, so they are gone one week every month working there. So our first week in the new house we'll have the whole house all to ourselves...By the way, these people are traveling over 4 hours to go to the temple. And most people in the ward make that trip every month so they can go to the temple. So you Boise-ans who only have to drive 10-15 minutes have absolutely no excuse not to take advantage of that blessing at least every month, if not every week. But I digress. Here is my new address:

2524 Highway 21
Clarksville, AR 72830

Make sure everybody knows that. Thanks. So... Lloyd got baptized yesterday! And I got to confirm him! It was an amazing experience. It's so awesome to see people accept the gospel and make those changes in their life, and to see the happiness it brings into their life. I'm so lucky that I was able to experience that with 2 really good friends before I came out here and then to have the chance so early on my mission to teach Lloyd from the very beginning and watch him change. I love it. And Francis is being baptized on February 7! I kind of wanted to push it back to the 17th, but that's a long wait... And we don't do too many Tuesday baptisms... It was so cool though. We went over on Thursday and he was SOOO happy. He was just a totally different person. We asked him why and he was like "oh, I've just been doing alot of thinking." So Elder Johnson said "you've been thinking you need to be baptized, haven't you?" And he said yes! Thank you so much for your prayers for him. I know it really helped. Other than that there isn't really too much to report. We're still working with the Williams family and they're really coming along. And Kris's final court date is today, so hopefully all of that will be cleared up soon. Then he can totally focus on doing all the things he needs to do to turn his life around, which he really really wants. Well other than that I don't have too much too report. I'll talk to you next week! I love you! By the way Elder Johnson wrote this while I stood up for a minute, and I'm going to leave it. :)

Hey this is Elder Johnson, Elder Goodale's (your son) companion. I dont know if you know but your son ROCKS the socks off of people.

Lloyd Weitkamp's baptism 1/11/09

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