Monday, January 26, 2009

London AND Paris

When Justin moved in to his first area, his mailing address was London (Arkansas). Now in today's e-mail update from him, he tells us his area also includes Paris (Arkansas). Though he no longer lives in London, he apparently butchered a cow this week near Paris. Nice!
Hi Mom - We had such a great week! That's alright that your letters were a little late. I still got them just before we left to go email, so it worked out alright. It sounds like you all had tons of fun with the Beauforts. I'm way jealous. It's only snowed here once all winter (plus last Monday, but I'm counting that because it only snowed for like 10 minutes, and not very hard. It was trying to snow, but it couldn't do it), and even then it only stuck for a few hours. We just had another cold front move in though. I am kind of glad that it wasn't quite as cold Saturday morning when we butchered that cow... Don't worry you'll get pictures of that soon. :) We went out with a couple other members Saturday morning and got to have our first beef butchering experience. It was WAY fun. I forgot to take a picture of it before we shot it, but other than that I got a few good shots documenting the whole process. It was pretty cool for us city boys... I'm sure you'll enjoy those pics a lot. Yes we get fed quite often, and very very well. There are families that feed us every single week, or at least every other week. That's crazy that the missionaries cover 8 wards there. Here my ward covers from Piney, Arkansas, to Ozark, Arkansas, and down to Paris, Arkansas. Go ahead and look up the distances between those towns. It's crazy. Luckily half of Johnson County is covered by Ozark National Forest, which only has a couple of teeny little towns in it (like Oark. Oark High School's average graduating class is like 7. And Oark High covers a big area...) otherwise we would have to travel even further. It's insane. At least hopefully your missionaries there better be getting alot of member referrals... With that many active members in their area, they better be teaching like 10 lessons a day. If they aren't, shame on you all... :) Officially, they do actually celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I was semi kidding about that. But there are alot of people that celebrate Robert E. Lee's birthday instead. Our week was great though! We set a baptismal date with Jerry Breedlove (February 28) and Kris will have a date within the next couple of days. There is also another sweet family, Thom and Cynthia Vannoy, that we will probably set dates with this week as well. They have daughters that are 11 and 4 and a son that's 7, and we may set a date with their 11 year old as well, if she becomes a little more interested. Things are going so sweet! I love Clarksville! We are seeing little miracles every single day. It's awesome. Thank you so much for your prayers. We really feel them. I love you!

Skinning Chocolate

Skinning the cow. From Left - right: Seth Schubarth, who drives us and feeds us all the time. He rocks. Then his brother Charles Ray Schubarth, then that arm and leg belong to Bro. Sanders, the second counselor in the bishopric. He's a stud too.

Cow guts

Charles Schubarth who drives us to Alma every week for district meeting. Bro. Sanders' hands.

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