Monday, August 9, 2010

Last-Minute Transfer / New Address in Springfield

Dear Family,

     Hey! So this week has been crazy to say the least. Some interesting twists. From last time I emailed, Tuesday was good, we were on exchanges with the Parsons (Kansas) Elders, and we had a really good day. We found some really really prepared people tracting, and got to teach a really awesome Part Member family. I'm so excited for the good things that are happening in Joplin. But then Wednesday morning we went up to Pittsburg, Kansas for a District Meeting, which is about an hour away from Joplin. While at that meeting, we got a phone call from President Merkley around 11:15. I couldn't answer, but about 5 minutes later I went out and checked the message and President addressed me specifically, which made it a heck of a lot scarier (turns out it was just because I'm the senior comp), and said that I needed to call him back IMMEDIATELY, that there was a sense of urgency about this. So I called him back and he said that Elder Conrad, who was serving in the Springfield 1st Ward, needed to go home for surgery and that he would be leaving in the morning and that one of the 3 of us would be taking his place in Springfield (some web links, added Dad: Official City Website, Wikipedia entry, city government website, News-Leader: local newspaper, Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce website). We then spent about 15 minutes discussing different options as far as who could go and what would be best for each of those missionaries as well as what would be best for the area. He then told us we needed to leave the District Meeting early and head home, and that he would let us know by the time we got back to Joplin which of us would be getting transferred. I told him that we could do that, the only problem was that we were planning on going on exchanges with the Pittsburg elders after the meeting so that one of us could do a baptism interview for them that night. He said ok well I'll pray about it right now and make a decision and I'll call you back as soon as I know. So Elder Day, Elder Anders, and I waited anxiously for about 5 minutes then President Merkley called us back and told me that I would be going to Springfield to replace Elder Conrad and that Elders Day and Anders would be staying together in Joplin. So Elder Anders and I, along with Elder Howe who we were exchanging with, left District Meeting a little bit early (though by now there wasn't a whole lot of time left) and headed back to Joplin. When we got home I had about two hours to pack before the Assistants would be able to get to Joplin, since it's about 2 hours from Tulsa, to pick me up and take me to my new area.
Willard District Elder Monson, Elder Dunn, Elder Peterson, Elder Bird, Elder Goodale, Elder Rich, Elder Clinger, Elder Sorensen
By the time I got to Springfield it was about 5:30 pm, but now I'm here! I'm serving with Elder Bryce Clinger, from Lewiston, Idaho. He's awesome. My new address is:
Elder Justin Goodale
1005 E. Division St. Apartment A
Springfield, MO 65803
     It's really interesting to see the Lord's hand in things. This was Elder Conrad's last transfer, and prior to this he had been serving as an Assistant to the Mission President for the last 9 months. As transfers neared, President told him that for sure he would be staying as an Assistant until the end of his mission. But when transfers came 3 weeks ago, two really surprising things happened. One, Elder Conrad was sent to Springfield to be a Zone Leader again for his last transfer. Second, there was an odd number of missionaries in the mission and so a need for a threesome somewhere. President did something I've never seen before and put 3 Zone Leaders together in Joplin 1st. None of us were sure why there were 3 zone leaders there, but this all happened for a wise purpose. I'm sure even President Merkley didn't know why he was doing what he was doing at the time, he was just following the Spirit's promptings. But it worked perfectly because if Elder Conrad had still been an Assistant it would have been a lot more hectic for President to have to call a new assistant mid transfer (the week before Zone Conferences, no less) and get a new Zone Leader in somewhere as well. So this all worked out perfectly. President is so inspired, it's incredible.

     Things in Springfield have been really good. A little bit slow, but they are picking up. There is a lot of major opposition that we are facing right now, but there are good things happening too. I love you all! Have a great week!

Elder Goodale

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