Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Investigators Progressing

Dear Family,

How are you? Things are going great here. Danielle is progressing again. She's doing great now, and everybody else is doing great as well. Sorry I don't have any more specific news about anyone... We talked to Noni on the phone yesterday (who has a baptismal date for April 17 and just went down to Texas for a couple of weeks for to fight for custody of her kids) and we got some really great news, and some disappointing news too. The good news is that she was able to get her kids back. She now has full custody of them, and wants them to be baptized with her. (they are 9 and 8 years old) The less exciting news is that because of all that the kids have been through in the last year the judge doesn't want them uprooted anymore, and has ordered her to stay down there in Texas until the end of the school year (in June) so she doesn't have to pull the kids out of school mid-year. It makes sense, but it's too bad because they will all be gone again. Of course the baptism is off as well, unless she starts meeting with the missionaries down there and gets baptized down there, which we encouraged her to do. We'll see what happens. Oh and another big piece of news - Elder Robinson is leaving! He's only been here a week and a half, and now he's leaving on Wednesday! President Merkley called Saturday night to let us know, he's sending him down to Ava; there was an Elder there that had to get emergency transferred out, so Elder Robinson is going to replace him. So it'll be back to just Elder Hirshfeld and I... :( President hinted at having us train again though, so we'll see. Other than that, I don't think there's anything new this week. Sorry this was so short. I love you!

Elder Goodale

Baptism of Marcos, Michael and Tino Rivera. March 6, 2010.

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