Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Busy Week with ZLC in Tulsa

Dear Family,

How are you this week? We have to leave in a couple of hours to go to Tulsa, so I just want to warn you ahead of time that this will be a pretty short email. We've had a good week though. I guess the biggest news is that we got our new trainee,
Elder Brady Robinson from Brownsville, Oregon. He's probably more excited about the work than anyone I've ever seen, he loves to work, and he's just a great young missionary. I'm excited for him. It's definitely been different doing missionary work with three of us, but it's been fun. One exciting thing this week was that we finally got Danielle going again! She had a rough time at church last time she came and just really didn't feel comfortable, so she decided to basically shop around a little bit and try some other churches out. Well she's tried several over that last month and long story short every time she was miserable. She's totally converted to our church as far as doctrine goes, every time she does question anything we just show her in the Bible and that's enough for her. She's been studying a lot and she keeps getting more and more convinced that everything we teach is true. The only problem is that she just wasn't feeling comfortable at church (she came 3 weeks in a row and was really struggling with it). So after a month off we went by and had a really really good visit with her and she basically admitted that her answer is staring her right in the face, then she came to church again on Sunday! Sacrament Meeting went really well, she loved that, Gospel Principles went well as usual (that's always everyone's favorite), and then we got to Relief Society, and some of the things were not quite clear. We went over to Danielle's that night with Brother Norris (her fellowshipper) and were able to have a really good lesson and resolve everything. This was a pretty good week over all though, Gloria was able to come to church again and she really loved it,
Elders Robinson, me and Hirshfeld
James Dean and Shawn Jacobi (two other investigators) came as well. James is going to be coming every week now, he's the one that Tamela Bennett (who got baptized in February) just married. We've been teaching him and he's slowly coming along. Tamela is pretty solid, so I'm not worried at all. But that's all for now! Like I said we're going down to Tulsa today and tomorrow for ZLC, then we have another exciting week ahead of us! I love you all, have a great week!

Elder Goodale

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