Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Things Are On Fire Here

This week Elder Goodale didn't send a single, general update; he sent Michelle and I two separate e-mails. I am posting them, below. And don't get too excited when you read that Justin is excited that I've begun the process of my knee replacement. I actually DID go see a doctor about it, but due to possible severe complications from my previous post-surgical staph infection, proceeding with that surgery will be a pretty difficult thing. You'll also read that we sent him a new camera; his previous camera was in his pocket I guess when he took a bad spill. He was fine, the camera did not survive. :-( Oh... and note that I have no job "offers" as Justin mentions, but rather, some opportunities. I appreciate all of your prayers in turning some of those in to actual offers!

Dear Dad,

Thanks for sending the new camera, I got it just in time for the baptism on Tuesday, so that was perfect. Thank you! It's a really nice camera, too, so thanks. Speaking of the baptism, it went great! There was a pretty good turn-out, and everything went really smooth. She was really excited. I can't believe how well things are going here. That was our third baptism this transfer, and David is going to be baptized this Saturday! Things are just on fire here. The rest of the week was really good too. Wednesday we were on exchanges with the Assistants, which was a lot of fun and I learned a lot about how to better fulfill my responsibilities as a Zone Leader. Then yesterday the District Leader down in West Plains and his companion had a baptism, so Thursday we got to go down and do that baptismal interview. He's a 14 year old kid named Wyatt who was really cool. After all this time in leadership (which really hasn't been that long, like 4 months now total) because of different circumstances that have come up I still hadn't had the opportunity to do a baptism interview before Thursday. It was a really neat experience. I'm really grateful I got to do that. Also Thursday night we went and taught the Rivera family again, and set baptismal dates! That was the family that I told you about that we went over with Santa on Christmas Eve and brought them Christmas. So three of them will be baptized on February 12. They are really awesome, I'm really excited for them. They were all at church yesterday, as was David, and Amanda. Danielle was also at church on Sunday. She's pretty neat and loves church, but works all day every day but Sunday so it's really tough to go and teach her. Things are going great right now, though.

It's really great to here that you're finally moving forward with your knee replacement! I can't wait to go running with you when I get back. :) maybe... That's cool that Alabama won. I really would have been ok with either of them, I like both teams. I just wish BSU had been playing! That's alright though, we'll get the national championship next year... I hope your job search continues to go well. It sounds like you've got a lot of really great offers, I know you'll make the right choice. Have a great week! I love you!

And here is the e-mail that he sent to Michelle:
Dear Mom,

We don't get the Ensign right when it comes out, but we do get a copy of it when we go to Zone Conference. we haven't gotten January's yet but I read President Uchtdorf's article on It's REALLY good. What you said is so true, how you need to be constantly working at it. I've seen so many recent converts who fall away because they stop working at that testimony. Too often we view baptism as the goal, not as just the first step. It's so sad seeing people who don't understand that and they stop working and pushing themselves to be better, and who ultimately lose the light they had. You even see it in return missionaries all the time. One of the biggest challenges we face is that so many people view us as teachers who are just here to present information. All the time there are people that love meeting with us until they realize that something is expected of them and they get scared. The gospel of Jesus Christ wasn't ever intended to inform, but transform. We need to allow it to change us, and not just once but every single day.

Did you have fun in Virginia with Christopher? That sounds like a super fun trip. Those all sound like awesome sights that you are going to see.

Well, I'm about out of time. I love you!

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