Monday, January 11, 2010

Life Back to Normal

Last week Justin didn't send a single general update, but several smaller updates to us, which I have not compiled and posted. However, following is his posting from today.
We had another amazing week this week! I think I said this last week, but I'm so glad that the holidays are over and everything is back to normal now. This last week was our first "normal" week since I've been in Saint Robert, and it was really nice to be able to really get to work. And it payed off! We had 8 investigators at Sacrament Meeting! Probably the most exciting part is the K_____ family. I told you about them a couple of weeks ago, they are a family of 3 (dad, mom, and 14 year old daughter) that the H_____ (members of the ward) introduced us to who we met on Christmas night. This Wednesday was the first time we were able to teach them since then, and they are amazing! They came to church yesterday and really loved it. I'm really excited for them.

Rose _____ is set for her baptism tomorrow night and is really excited, and David _____ is pretty set for his on January 23. We had a really great lesson yesterday. He's really cool, he has such an incredible hunger for knowledge and really wants to please God. It's funny because you can't see it at first, but the better you get to know him and the more you talk to him, it's obvious that he spends more time thinking about and pondering on the things we teach then anyone else I've ever met. He's really in tune with the Spirit too. It's cool because when you combine how in tune he is with how much pondering he does, he actually ends up resolving alot of his own concerns. He just figures things out, and makes connections where alot of people can't. He's awesome. Nothing new is really going on here besides that, just working hard and continually being amazed with how much the Lord has blessed us here! Even after all this time and all the miracles we've seen, it still amazes me that even in these little tiny farm towns of southern Missouri there are so many people who are prepared for the gospel. Every day I know with more certainty that this is the Lord's work. It will continue to progress and to roll forward whether we decide to jump on or not. So let's take advantage of the privilege we have to be a part of it! I love you all! Have a great week!
Jeff Barretta

Jeff and Sarah Barretta

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