Sunday, September 20, 2009


Following is Elder Goodale's e-mail from September 14th. He and his companion sang during a conference with a visiting general authority this week; I wish we could have been there to hear it! Donald is scheduled to get baptized today; I hope he happens as scheduled.
Hey family! How's everything going? Life here is going good. I don't have a ton of time because myldsmail hasn't been cooperating today (not unusual), but there isn't that much new to report anyway. Donald is still set for his baptism on Sunday, everything is all ready for that. Oh but there is one really exciting development! Danny Mackey finally agreed to get the Priesthood! Danny is a recent convert and is good friends with Donald and has been for a long time. Danny is actually the one who first gave Donald a Book of Mormon. Well anyway, Danny was just baptized back in February, but for some reason has refused to get the Aaronic Priesthood since then (he's 52. But he looks like he's about 30). Nobody can figure out why. He just hasn't wanted to do it. Well this week we finally got him to agree to it! So he'll be ordained during the 3rd hour this Sunday, then right after church he'll get to baptize his best friend! It's going to be awesome. Then the following Wednesday Gary Simmons will be baptized! Everything's all arranged there too, we're good to go for both. Nothing else really new is going on, things have slowed down a little but they'll pick back up. Everything's great. Just pray for Elder Davis and I for our singing on Thursday. I guess I forgot to tell you about that, didn't I? Thursday Elder Marlin K. Jensen from the 70 is coming to speak to all the missionaries, and they asked Elder Davis and I to sing for it. That should be exciting... Also transfer calls are on Saturday. I'm fairly positive that Elder Davis and I won't be staying together since we've already been together 2 transfers now (but who knows how things will work with the new mission president), but I honestly don't have the slightest idea who will be staying and who will be going. But I'll know by next week. But until then I love you! Have a great week!

Bro. Lewis our ward mission leader and 2 of his grandkids the night before I left Ava

Gordon and Tina Simmons the night before I left Ava

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