Sunday, September 20, 2009

Cold August

I've really fallen behind on posting Elder Goodale's letters. Following is the main letter (e-mail) he sent on August 31st.
Hey family! How are you? Things are great here. Still basically the same. Except cold for August! The last two days early in the morning it's gotten down into the mid to high 40s. All last week highs were in the high 70s, and it's supposed to be the same way this coming week. On one hand I can't believe it's already cooling down, but on the other hand I'm not too surprised based on how cool the whole summer has been. Christopher was talking about how over in Georgia right now it's 100+ degrees with heat indexes of 110-115. Well that's how it usually is here too. All the locals kept saying all summer that this weather was unusual and that we were sure to get a heat wave soon, but it never came! And now it's already cooling down to where we have HIGHS in the 70s! Totally not typical for Missouri, but we're not complaining! I'm just worried that this might mean an extra cold winter...

Elder Goodale with Brother Robert Braccia

Elder Davis with Brother Braccia
Nothing really new here, though. We had 3 investigators at church yesterday: Gary Simmons, Donald Phillips, and Kevin Olsen. We're planning on setting baptismal dates this week with each of them, which will be exciting. It was Kevin's first time at church and he enjoyed it, Donald has come 3 of the last 4 weeks now, and actually over the last 2 weeks he has read the entire Book of Mormon! In two weeks! He's still not quite sure what he wants to do about baptism, he mainly just doesn't feel ready to take that step quite yet. He is though. This week we'll mainly just be trying to help him realize that. Alot of good work going on here, there will probably be a whole bunch of baptisms right after I leave, just like my last 2 areas...It's still exciting though.

Oh mom to answer your question about the temple, I won't get to go to the temple at all. About 2/3 of the mission is in the Oklahoma City Temple district, and the Springfield, Springfield South, and St. Robert stakes are in the St. Louis Temple district. Both of those temples are far too far away for us to be able to go. I'll have to wait until after my mission to go again. :(

That's it for this week. I love you! Have a great week!

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