Thursday, May 7, 2009

Jumping Six Feet Again

I am afraid that as I've been on a long road show in Japan, China, Japan again and now Germany, I have not kept up with Elder Goodale's weekly e-mail postings. So it's time for me to catch up a little. The following is his e-mail to us, dated April 20, 2009.
Elder Conrad

This is on the road about every 20 feet.
Hey everybody! I can't believe another week has come and gone already! It's flying by way too fast! We had an amazing week though. We jumped 6 feet again this week! Get used to it, because we're planning on doing it every week this transfer. It'll be tough this week because we have Zone Conference tomorrow (I'm so excited!!!) but we'll do it. Things have been crazy here, though. Monday after emailing we went Spoonbill fishing, and found out that we definitely aren't fisherman... It's a different kind of fishing, too. If it was just normal bait fishing we would have been all right, but when it comes to snagging we had no idea what we were doing. So that didn't work out. But it was still fun. Nothing really exciting happened on Tuesday, but we had quite an adventure Wednesday night. At about 6 pm Wednesday, a substation at the local power plant caught fire, then it totally blew up about half an hour later. The whole town was out of power! Everyone was saying that it was going to be a few days before it was back, but they ended up getting some sort of temporary fix while they repaired it, so we got power back early the next morning. But That night was pretty crazy. We were doing everything by candle light that night, and having a lot of fun with that... It was good though because we are teaching this couple that lives behind us so we jumped the fence in our backyard (not into their yard, there's a little alleyway there) and brought them some candles cuz we knew they probably didn't have any. It turns out we were right and they did badly need them, so we were able to build a good relationship there. Thursday night we had this way sweet lesson with Andy Arms, a man who has been investigating the church off and on for a couple years now. We were finally able to break through to him more than any other missionaries have been able too, I guess now he was just finally ready, and he'll be getting baptized next month! He's just going through a little bit of depression right now so please pray for him. Also there is a woman, Heather, who was baptized here a few months ago and we're teaching her 13 year old daughter. She will also most likely be baptized this month. We've also been teaching Sarah Laforce, a 21 year old girl (I say girl because she doesn't really act 21. Or maybe she does, and that's the problem...) who has a date for May 2. It'll be tough for that to happen, though, because she is has some problems to overcome. Other than that we've just been doing a lot of finding and teaching and trying to build up the area. It's been a blast! My companion and I are getting along really well. He's only been out 3 months longer than I have, so we're learning alot together too. We've been seeing alot of success though, these are going to be some exciting weeks ahead. The work is really starting to roll forward. We have been able to see the hand of the Lord blessing us so many times every day, it's really amazing. We have seen Satan try to interfere in many ways as well, but as we have relied on the Lord we've always been able to overcome all of those trials. I know that this is the Lord's work that we're doing, and there is nothing in the world I would rather be doing than helping to bring the people of Miami to Him. I know this church is true with all my heart, that there really is a living prophet on the earth today, and that it's through him that God is directing us every day. By listening to and following his words we can overcome anything Satan throws at us, and we will be able to find peace in these difficult times. How grateful I am to be a part of Christ's restored church!

Me Christian, Bro. Hughlett, Nick, Sisster Hughlett, E. Conrad

Oh and how could I forget!? We had a baptism on Saturday! Actually 3 baptisms! Brother Hughlett is a man in our ward who married a nonmember 14 years ago and went inactive. (or he may have already been inactive, I'm not sure) Anyway, he returned to activity not too long ago and started bringing his sons (age 13 and 10) to church with him as well. Then his wife started coming too, and on Saturday he got to baptize his wife and 2 sons. It was sweet. I didn't really have anything at all to do with that one, I only taught them a couple of times before their baptism and they were already set, but it was still awesome. They're a sweet family. Well that's all for this week. I love you! Have a great week!
Our cute little house and our car

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