Thursday, May 7, 2009

Expecting Miracles

The following is from Elder Goodale's e-mail of April 27th.
Our sexy car
Hey everybody! I'm so glad they finally figured out what's wrong with Brianna! Well, at least what's wrong with her stomach... :) Hopefully that new plan will be able to get everything fixed up. It just sucks that she'll have to sleep in til 10 or 11 every day. I bet she's way bummed about that... It sounds like everything else there is going great as well. Sounds like Dad's work is going great and every one is staying good and busy and everything is looking up. It's good to hear that Lindsey Muir is doing so much better, too. I forgot to fast on the day that they were setting up that big fast for her, but I repented and fasted the following Sunday. Keep me updated on that situation. And on anything else exciting going on, especially with school ending pretty soon. I can't believe April is already over! I swear 2009 just started a couple of days ago!!! Time is going by way too fast.
This was a storm rolling in. I thought it looked cool. I was hoping it might bring a tornado

We had a great week here! Tuesday was Zone Conference, and it was amazing! We learned SO much and the Spirit was so strong, we couldn't wait to get out and work and start applying all the stuff we learned. In the morning we got some great instruction on how to have better and more effective planning and then the rest of the conference was about the Book of Mormon and how it is Another Testament of Jesus Christ and the Keystone of our religion. It was a very powerful conference. Well I don't have too much else to report this week. We're still working hard and having alot of success, things are going great. Oh yeah I guess I will tell you about 2 of the new investigators we had this week:

Elder Conrad
We talked to this man named Jason on the street on Wednesday as he was getting ready to go fishing, and he was way sweet. Really sincere. The Jehovah Witnesses have been meeting with him a little lately and trying to get him but you could tell he didn't believe too strongly what they believed. He just loved knowledge and was really interested in getting more. So we went back Friday night to teach him the 1st lesson and it was awesome. We went over dispensations and how God has always worked through prophets and he really really loved it and you could tell he really understood the importance of prophets. Then we go over Christ's earthly ministry and how He established His church, then the great apostasy. We taught the great apostasy really powerfully, and he totally got it. We asked him what he thought it would take to get the world out of the state it's currently in and he was like "well we would need more apostles!" Then right as he said that his wife, Savannah, got home from work and walked into the room. At first she seemed a little cold, but then she said to hold on a second while she settled the kids down, cuz she wanted to join us. So when she came back we summed up the whole lesson so far in just a couple of minutes for her, luckily she really understood, especially the great apostasy. You could tell everything just clicked. When we shared with them how Christ's gospel has been restored to the earth today through Joseph Smith, and how that means that there is a living prophet and 12 apostles on the earth today, they were so excited! They recognized how necessary the restoration was, and they were overjoyed to find out that it's happened, and that there is a living prophet again. They were SOOOO prepared! Such a miracle. We've come to expect those though. You have to expect miracles to be a successful missionary. But it was still such a blessing. This is such an incredible message we share, I wish everyone realized that as much as Jason and Savannah did. I guess that's why we're here though. Not just us missionaries, but all members. That's why Joseph Smith said that after all is said in done, our most important duty is to preach the gospel. This truly is a marvelous work! I love you all!

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