Monday, March 2, 2009

Comp from Russia AND Pocatello

Following is the e-mail from Justin today. The card he is referring to is the memory card from his digital camera which he mailed home to us, but was damaged en route. We couldn't read it in any card reader here, nor could he read it in his camera when we sent it back to him. :-( If anybody has a miraculous solution for getting data off a damaged Memory Stick Duo card, please let us know!
Hey everybody! How's everything going? So first of all, yes Dad you did send that print out, and no the card didn't work. I'm afraid those pictures are just gone forever. I printed out some of Elder Johnson's pictures so I could send those home, but of course there weren't as many with me in them. Plus his pictures just weren't as good as mine... And it really sucks cuz he forgot his camera for Lloyd's baptism, so I don't have any pictures of that anymore. But I got what I could from his camera. I'll just have to have a lot more baptisms to take pictures at to make up for it... That's so crazy about Brianna! I thought they had fixed her! That majorly sucks. Is Mark doing any better? That's cool that Ronnie and Andrew and Bailey all came over for dinner. Kinda weird though, that I'm gone and all my friends are still hanging out there.
But things here are still going great! I love my new companion! We get along really great. Like I said last week, his name is Elder Simakov, and he's from Russia. He was born there and lived there until he was 14, when he and his mom moved to Pennsylvania. He joined the church not too long after that, and then 3 years later his mom married an LDS man and moved to Pocatello. So that's where his family currently lives. But Elder Simakov isn't a citizen, and his real dad still lives in Russia, so he just introduces himself as being from Russia. That always gets peoples attention... Well... I really don't have anything else special to talk about this week. There's still alot of great work going on though, and I'm loving every minute of it! Please keep us in your prayers! I love you!

Schubarth Family (kids Jesalyn and Zach) - They feed us like every week. Bro S. comes out on exchanges with us 3-4 times a month. His dad also drives us to Alma every week for disstrict meeting. They are one of my favorite families (tied with the Griggs and the Scotts too.) I just love this whole ward but they're my 3 favorite families.

1 comment:

Shelly Hanson said...

We had the same problem with the last card Brett sent home. I was heartbroken; I love getting his pictures. I'm hoping he has them saved somewhere with him.

I've got a question for you? Do you fix any mis-spellings and bad grammar before you post or do you post it just the way it is? I've been asked to fix my sons before I post and I just don't think it's as authentically Brett.