Monday, March 16, 2009

20 New Investigators in Two Weeks

Justin's e-mail today was sweet and short, but it's always great hearing from him!!! Regarding some of the people he is teaching, Justin had listed some personal stuff, so just to protect their privacy, I have partially edited today's e-mail. However, most of these entries I post exactly as we receive them.
Hey everybody! How's it going? We had an awesome week! Not quite like last week, but it was still pretty good. The weather wasn't quite as nice this week. Today it's real nice and sunny and it's supposed to get up to 73 which I'm very excited about, but most of the week it's been pretty overcast. But the temperature has been all right, for the most part. Except that on Thursday it snowed all day!!! It only got down to like 33 so none of it stuck but it was still very unexpected. It was so nice then all of a sudden we had snow for just the 3rd time this winter. But like I said it's real nice now and I think it's supposed to stay nice this time, which is good because that means lots of people outside to talk too. I actually like the cold (it's kind of funny because my 2 companions so far have been from Orem, Utah and Moscow, Russia, yet they both complained about the cold far more than me, the one who grew up in SoCal) but as a missionary the warmer weather is alot better because like I said that means people outside to talk too. So for that reason I hope it stays this way, but who knows. Arkansas weather is kinda like Boise weather, as far as how unpredictable it is. So what else is new up there? It's kind of too bad that Christopher had to finally get rid of the Camaro, I always hoped that he would be able to get it up and running good, that would have been fun. It's probably better this way though because it never would have been finished. And what's going on with Brianna? Why the heck can't she get better already? I hope everything else is going well, though. It sounds like other than that life is good, and Dad's work is going very well again as well, which is good. As far as the work here, it's still as good as ever. We currently have 6 investigators with baptismal dates. Really pray for them so that that can happen. Over the last 2 weeks we've had a total of 20 new investigators (14 last week, 6 this week) so we've been super busy all of a sudden trying to teach all of them. It's nice that we have so many people to see now. Hopefully several of them will start progressing over the course of this week and next. They're really great people. We're working hard and I feel really good about things. It's going to be a really crazy week, but it's going to be an awesome week. I'm excited. And I can't wait for Francis's baptism on Friday! Thanks so much for all of your prayers for him! He finally couldn't withstand them all. :) I love you so much! Have a great week!

Haha wow. I was just looking back at my email from last week and I realized that in that email I had said that we do only 1-2 hours of finding per week. Wouldn't that be crazy! Wow that would be a lot of teaching. That would be awesome. But what I meant to say was that we only do 1-2 hours of finding per DAY... well just thought I'd clear that up. Love you!

Wow. That part looks awful! I didn't really have the part down yet.

My hair was way too long. This is right before I cut it.

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