Thursday, December 18, 2008

Pics from Justin

Justin has a digital camera with him on his mission, and four SD cards. What we've arranged is for him to send home one of the SD cards occasionally, and that we'll prepare and post his photos. Justin also prepared a simple one-sheet description of what each photo is - it was great; I hope he can maintain that the whole two years!

We got his first SD card this week, and it contains mostly shots from the MTC. Here you'll see posted a shot of Justin's MTC district, with one of Justin's instructors, Brother Yao (is squatting immediately to Justin's right).

Also herein is a shot of Justin with his mission president and his wife, President and Sister Seal. This was taken at the Oklahoma Tulsa mission home, right when he arrived in Tulsa from the mission field.

There we also two videos on the card, of elders being silly (I'm sure sister missionaries never get silly, eh?!). :-) They decided that they would see how many elders they could fit in to a closest. Their experiment, caught on digital video, shows SEVEN!!! I'm amazed by the video, embedded below from Flickr.

Anyway, to view all the pictures he sent (almost 60), please click here to see them on Facebook, or please click here to see them on Flickr.

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