Monday, October 11, 2010

Not Ready to Go Home

Hey! How's everybody's week going? We had a pretty good week, of course Elder Bustamante was transferred and so now I'm with Elder Kowalk again! He's grown a lot, I'm really excited to serve with him for the next 6 weeks. So Dardanian was baptized this week, and it went really well. David is getting married on Saturday, so the first big obstacle is finally out of the way, now he just needs to quit smoking and he'll be all ready for baptism. We set a baptismal date this week with Chris, our one investigator we have in the singles branch (pretty much all of our work is in Bentonville 1st ward, though we cover both wards) but then he didn't show up for church yesterday so we'll have to figure out what's going on there. He's awesome though. This week was crazy because Monday and Tuesday we were in Tulsa for ZLC and then Thursday was transfers, so we were very busy. Unfortunately lost a lot of proselyting time, but that's life in leadership... Elder Kowalk and I have had a lot of success already though both in the lessons we've had and especially with tracting, we've found some really great people the last few days. Again, I'm very excited for this transfer. It's kind of scary though, I've got so much I would like to accomplish here and so many plans for this area and what we're going to do, but I'm starting to realize how little time I have to accomplish those goals! I don't feel like I have enough time left to do the things I need to do. It's a very sad feeling... I'll just have to tell President I'm not going home next month. :) Sorry everyone.

With Elder Kowalk

Baptism of Dardanian "Pwordes" Alex Hadley on 9 Oct 2010 with parents,
sister Destiny and brother Dan ("Newie")

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