Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Happy 4th of July

Dear Family,

     Happy 4th of July! how is everybody? I was worried we may not get to email today because the library was closed for the 4th (everyone got a 4 day weekend) but luckily we were able to use the computer in the clerk's office at church. We just got back from Rolla where we were playing basketball with the rest of the district, it was a lot of fun. We did it a couple of weeks ago too, and we'll probably go again next week. This was a pretty crazy week. It started Monday, when we had to drive down to Tulsa for Zone Leader Council. This time was a special ZLC with Elder Lynn G. Robbins from the first quorum of the 70 there with us. He stayed in the mission home that night, so Tuesday morning before ZLC we got to eat breakfast with him and talk to him for awhile, which was really cool. Then we went to our meeting, where he instructed us for about 3 hours and just about blew us away! It was really amazing, the Spirit was so strong and we all learned so much. He taught us about agency and personal responsibility, and taking control of our lives. He totally called us all to repentance, but in a way that made all of us love him even more. That's a pretty valuable talent. :) After ZLC we went back to the mission home to eat lunch, like we always do, and he was there as well. After lunch he took the time to interview 4 or 5 of the Zone Leaders, and I had the privilege to be one of them. That was also a very neat experience. We got back to St. Robert late that night, then Wednesday morning we drove out to Joplin for Mission Tour, which is when he addresses the whole mission. That was also a really neat experience. He is very spiritual, without a doubt called of God. We got back from that late Wednesday night. Those were all awesome experiences and we learned so much, I came away a much better missionary and really a much better person over all. Then we finally got to get back to missionary work on Thursday. I'm going to be honest, the last couple of weeks have been pretty tough, we've had a whole lot of things fall through on us and our teaching pool is considerably smaller now. Of those that we are teaching, almost every one of them had gone out of town for the weekend when we got back (again, that's what happens at the military base on holidays, everything just shuts down). Those last 4 days were kind of slow. We still did manage to teach 15 lessons, but mostly we spent those 4 days doing a lot of tracting. It was really good, we found a lot of good people that I'm excited to start teaching. This week we've got a really hectic week, we've got exchanges with the District Leaders in West Plains and Salem, and we're going to be instructing at two different District Meetings this week, in Houston on Wednesday and in Rolla on Thursday. Then Saturday night is transfer calls!!! I hope you all have a great week! I love you!


Elder Goodale

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