Tuesday, November 3, 2009

16 Investigators at Church (10/26/2009 Letter)

Last week I posted just two short e-mails that Elder Goodale had sent to Michelle and I. As it turns out, he had typed a longer, general e-mail; however, it got lost in cyberspace. As his computer time was up, he hand-wrote us the following letter, which we received late last week in the mail. I have retyped it, below. In his e-mail, Justin lists two church general authority talks that he referenced in his talk in church a couple of weeks ago. I have linked to those talks, and I encourage you to read them. I particular enjoyed Elder Oaks' talk on the Gospel of Jesus Christ challenging us to become something, not just know something.
Dear Mom:

Our object lesson for teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Ealier today I wrote a big long general email, but just as I hit send (and also as my time on the computer was just ending) myldsmail "experienced an error" and erased my whole email. It was a good one this week, too...

But I'll briefly let you know what happened this week. Tuesday we had an awesome day up in El Dorado, where all of our work is. There's a woman named Terry, who's about 20, who we taught for the first time. We had a really good lesson and set a baptismal date for November 21! She's a good girl but she's had a pretty rough life. She doesn't have a whole lot of religious background. It was kind cool, about 2 weeks ago we just talked to her out on the street and found out that her aunt, who she lives with, is a less-active member that wev'e been workign with. So we just invited her to church, and she came! She seemed to enjoy it, and then on Tuesday we went back and taught her and set a date.

Our object lesson for teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ
The rest of the week was pretty good, too. On Sunday through tracting and dropping by some old potential investigators we actually found 3 new investigators here in Stockton! We haven't been having any trouble finding people in Eldo or Greenfield or the plig ranch, but Stockton itself has been slow. But now it's starting to pick up! Wednesday we've got some appointments set up that should allow us to pick up 3 or 4 more new investigators here in Stockton, which is awesome. Probably the biggest miracle this week was that we had 16 investigators at church!!! That's unheard of! My previous best was 8, which even that is pretty good... A big part of it was that the entire Bradshaw family (the plig family) came to church! That's 12 investigators just right there. By the way, I promise that "plig" is a very affectionate term for the polygamists... I really love the people out there; they're great.

Our object lesson for teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ
So we had all of the Bradshaws at sacrament meeting, plus 4 additional investigators. It was awesome. It was especially good because Elder Moxon and I both spoke in church. Elder Moxon spoke about charity, and did an awesome job, then I was asked to speak on repentance. I always love a good opportunity to call people to repentance! :-) It went really well though. For the bulk of my talk I used two different talks: "Repent... That I May Heal You" by Elder Anderson from this last General Conference, then a talk Elder Oaks gave in October 2000 entitled "The Challenge to Become." Both excellent talks. I thought mine went very well, also.

Well I'm out of time. We're meeting some members at Enriques (Mexican restaurant) for dinner in about 10 minutes! I love you! Have a fun Halloween!

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