Monday, January 5, 2009

First Report from 2009

It was great to hear from Justin today. Below is his e-mail. He also sent a separate e-mail mentioning the names of several additional investigators that he wants me to pray for. It's great that he's getting so many teaching opportunities!
Hey everybody! How's it going? I can't believe Brittany just got married. Way crazy. Congratulate her for me. That's so exciting that you've been getting so much snow and that you had such a beautiful white Christmas! It's actually been warm here lately. Saturday it got up to like 75 degrees! Yesterday was cooler, though. Sounds like you all had a great Christmas! It's awesome the way all the kids got involved this year. And Christopher that's really funny about you and dad's car. Ask Bailey about the time I almost rear ended that Porsche... That was scary. But not completely my fault... I'm also still not sure what to think about Brianna's little friend yet... I'm glad things are going so well, though. Hopefully everything works out with *** (name blocked out for my non-disclosure requirement purposes) this month too. Hopefully it's some comfort that you have a missionary praying for you. :)

Things are going great here too. It's so great that you have been praying for our investigators. We can really feel it. This was by far our most successful week. The only downside is no news yet on Francis. But that will come soon hopefully. But Lloyd is getting baptized on Sunday! It's so exciting! He's SO awesome! He's the one who was raised in the reorganized church, but hasn't been since the mid 80s and for the last 4 or 5 years has been trying to get back into church and hopping around different Christian churches. The Lord has really prepared him, and it's been really easy teaching him everything. He just loves all of it and loves learning more. Yesterday we even forgot to leave him with a passage out of the scriptures to study for next time like we usually do, and he actually called us and was like "hey you didn't give me any homework this time! Give me an assignment!" It was awesome. He's way sweet. Kris is also really progressing. He totally loves us and we practically live at his house (well him and the Williams family). And not just hanging out there, we are always teaching. But it's nice because he's really big into sports, especially basketball (he's a huge lakers fan) and football. So he always gives me updates on what's going on. Yeah I know it's totally apostate... (by the way I can't believe Utah blew out Alabama! That's so awesome! It almost makes up for Boise State's loss and two of my least favorite teams playing in the national championship. Anyway, back to missionary work...) He is still really into everything though. Yesterday after we finished teaching him he even called his mom in and sat her down and was like "here explain this to my mom." Then he helped us teach it to his mom! He's already doing missionary work! (he's not the only one of our investigators doing that, either) We just have one small issue to work through, but it shouldn't be a big deal and by the time I write you next week, he will have a baptismal date. He's awesome. Just talking to him every time makes me love the gospel so much and I just love being a missionary that much more. The other awesome family we are teaching are Jason and Glenda Williams. They have an 11 year old daughter and a 6 year old son. They are such a close family, which is really cool. They are also very accepting and loving the gospel. Every day their testimonies of the restored gospel grow, and it's really exciting to see. It's awesome to see how the Lord has prepared people for the gospel and how when we are obedient and doing everything we are supposed to do He really does lead us to those that He has been preparing. And I know that this applies to everyone, not just the full time missionaries. This is truly a "marvelous work" that we are all a part of, and it is of the utmost importance. There is nothing that brings greater happiness than seeing the Spirit touch someone's heart and seeing them come unto Christ, and knowing that you played a part in that, however small it was. Everyone keep doing what your supposed to be doing (and keep studying Preach My Gospel! That's awesome that y'all still do that, and that Grandma's doing it now too. If every member studied Preach My Gospel regularly, it would make a HUGE difference in missionary work. Keep up the good work!) and pray for opportunities to share the gospel. The Lord has prepared people for you if you look for them and do everything He's asked you to do. I know that this church is true. I know Christ really is our Savior and only through Him can we return to live with our Father in Heaven, and the most important thing you can do is to help as many people as you can come to that knowledge. Thanks for all of your prayers and support! I love you so much!
Christmas Eve and the Bishop's parents' house (where we ended up moving). Prepping to do gingerbread houses. Well, more like graham cracker houses...

My gingerbread mansion

Elder Johnson's gingerbread house

Someone's gingerbread house...

Someone else's...

The Bishop's daughters Heather (13) and Jessica (16)

Elder Johnson with his house,

Elder Johnson, me and Bishop Scott

The Bishop's daughter Kimberly

The Bishop's son Dallan

Elder Johnson and I Christmas morning

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