Monday, June 28, 2010

Only 18 Lessons

"Only" 18 lessons in Elder Goodale's slow week. Man... I remember entire MONTHS on my mission where I had "only 18 lessons" - and felt it was a good month! We are continually amazed at how well the work is going out there! Enjoy Justin's e-mail from today, and pray for his safety as he travels to Tulsa and back this week - a lot of driving!
Dear Family,

     Sorry this letter will have to be a little short, our preparation day is going to be cut short again because we have to travel to Tulsa (5 hours away) tonight, but we had a good week. The highlight, of course, was Devontae's baptism! It went really well. It was a pretty small service, but it was very good. The Spirit was very strong. Then I got to confirm him in Sacrament Meeting on Sunday, which went very well. Otherwise, this week honestly has been pretty slow.  It's been kind of tough. Mainly, though, it's just because all of our investigators are all out of town. Literally everyone. We only taught 18 lessons this week, which while still higher then most of the other areas in our zone is the lowest we've had in the 7 months I've been here. Usually it's up around 30. But that's alright. It just gave us an opportunity to do a lot of finding! Everyone is going to be out of town most of this week too, though we are also going to be gone. Like I said we leave tonight to go to Tulsa for Zone Leader Council, we'll stay the night and then ZLC will be Tuesday. We'll get back and have a couple of hours to work in our area Tuesday night, then on Wednesday we have Mission Tour with Elder Lynn G. Robbins from the First Quorum of the 70, so we'll be in Joplin all day Wednesday. It's going to be hectic. But then hopefully everything will be back to normal for awhile. We did have a couple of cool miracles this week. I'll mention one in particular. Last Thursday we were walking out of the Post Office and a woman pulled up next to us in her car and asked us "hey do you guys want to come over some time?" Seeing the surprised look on our faces, she asked "you are missionaries, right? Isn't that what you do?" So we talked to her a little bit more and got her information and everything, her name is Alissa Goble and it turns out that she just moved here about a month ago from San Antonio, Texas. She had several friends down there that were LDS who had talked to her about the church and she actually attended church with them 3 or 4 times. She met with missionaries, but not very many times before they moved. She's solid! She loves everything about the church. We talked to her about baptism the first time we taught her and she said it won't be any time soon because she wants to take things slow and make sure she's ready, but at the same time she's been thinking about it a lot and has already picked out who she wants to baptize her. She's really cool. I'm really excited for her. So we've got alot of great things going right now, it's just going to be slow until after the 4th of July weekend. I've got to get going though so we can get everything done, but I love you all! Have a great week!

Elder Goodale

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