Friday, May 7, 2010

Under the Weather

I'm sorry I'm a little late on posting Elder Goodale's letter from earlier this week (May 3rd). I'm also putting up a pic in this posting. Justin didn't send this, but we recently became Facebook friends with a woman he taught and saw come in to the church; we pulled this pic from her postings. This is a picture of Justin and his two companions (Elder Ewert, and Elder Richins) at this woman's home. They're about to be fed; big happy smiles! :-)
Dear Family,

How is everybody this week? Thanks so much for your letters, I loved them as usual. We've had a great week, a very busy week. Last Monday right after we emailed y'all we had to leave to drive to Tulsa, which is always a fun drive. It was especially fun because Elder Bowers, the mission fleet coordinator, called Thursday and and told us that Mountain Grove, an area in our Zone, was getting a new car. Since we were coming to Tulsa for Zone Leader Council that next Monday, he asked if we would drive our car down to Mountain Grove and pick up their car (and leave them our car for the day) and drive their car to Tulsa and pick up their new one. We of course did it, but Mountain Grove is like 70 miles out of our way on our trip to Tulsa (which usually we carpool with the Springfield Zone Leaders in their van, they are given extra miles for that). So that really killed our mileage right at the end of the month, when we were on track to be well under our allotted miles. Not to mention that made the trip to Tulsa significantly longer, it took a little over 5 hours when usually it's right about 4. They were great meetings though, as usual. They went very well and I learned a lot. The rest of the week was a little more uneventful, it seems like every single one of our investigators is out of town right now, like for instance Chris Cruze just left for a two week training thing in Kansas with his unit, he won't be back until May 15, which is a week before his baptism. Melanie Evans has been out of town for about 3 weeks and she won't be back until the 12th, so her baptism will have to be pushed to the end of May, if not early June. We've got several others that are gone too. It's fine though, it just means that we've been doing a lot of finding this week, with lots of success. We've had a ton of success tracting this week and found a lot of great people. Mickey and Tim are both doing great still, they are both on track for May 15 for their baptisms, Chris should still be good for the 22nd as well. Hopefully we'll have several other baptismal dates coming up soon as well. I can't really think of anything else or any specific stories, sorry for the short letter this week. Things are going great. I guess please just pray that I'll get feeling better, Elder Ewert and I have both been kind of under the weather all week. I love you all! I can't wait to talk to you on Sunday!

Elder Goodale
Zone Leader Council Tulsa, OK April 27, 2010 Top: Me, Ewert, Otterstrom, Blaylock, Liston, Fisher, Enfield, Cosgrove, Hancock; Middle: Sis Havea, Sis. Fisher, Evans, Henson, Clinger, Anderson, Hirshfield, Conrad; bottom: Call, Black, Phillips, Erbe, Meteer

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