Monday, February 1, 2010

Elder Goodale is a Grandpa

How's THAT for an attention-grabbing blog entry title?! Read on, from today's e-mail from Justin.
So I don't know what happened, but my email I was just typing you all just disappeared... I don't know what happened to it... Gotta love They're going to a new email provider soon, which I'm really excited about. I can't believe Alex Dillon and Matt Stoker are both home already! I can't believe that today is February 1st! It's amazing how time just creeps up on you like this. We had an amazing week though. We had 8 new investigators, and 8 investigators at church. So on that front things are going great. We just have a great ward here who are SO supportive of the work. It makes our job easy... We're going in about 2 hours to teach Noni, and we'll be setting a baptismal date with her, which I'm really excited about. The Riveras are all still on track for February 13, too! They're doing great. Nothing else super exciting happened this week, though... Oh except transfers were this week! Obviously I'm still in St. Robert, but we had some exciting stuff happen in our Zone. The Eldon and Salem branches both got missionaries, which they didn't have before. Both those areas are just ready to explode! They've already been having a ton of success there over the past few days. We're going to be even busier now though, because our Zone has 3 districts now instead of 2. So things will be hectic for us. One cool thing though is that the new District Leader they brought in to open Salem is Elder Davis, who I trained in Ava! Elder Moxon is District Leader now in Stockton, so both my sons are District Leaders! That's pretty exciting. Elder Moxon is training, too, so on Wednesday I became a Grandpa!!! But transfers were exciting, too, because they are usually on Thursday, but on Tuesday afternoon we got a call from the Assistants telling us that "there's a big ice storm coming in on Thursday, so to avoid that we're going to be moving transfers to tomorrow night." So we got to call everyone being transferred and let them know about that. See, because our mission is so huge and spread out, this is the way transfers work: There are 6 "transfer points": Tulsa, OK; Joplin, MO; Mt. Vernon, MO; Bentonville, AR; Van Buren, AR; and then I think one more in Southern Oklahoma. I'm not exactly sure though, I haven't served down in that area of the mission. Anyway, if you look on a map you'll see that those 6 cities kind of make a big circle, and all of them are right on a major highway. Each Zone has a transfer point they go to (so everyone in the Springfield, Springfield South, and St. Robert Zones meets in Mt. Vernon for transfers) and then there are two loops that leave from Tulsa the morning of transfers. The North Loop (which obviously goes North towards Joplin, then to Mt. Vernon, then down through Arkansas and finally back around to Tulsa) and the South Loop (you guessed it) goes the opposite direction. One of those loops consists of "the Bull" a big huge Ford van that usually will be pulling a trailer behind it, with a couple other cars in the caravan, and the other loop consists of 3 pickups, and usually a couple other cars. It works really well, we just tell the missionaries what time they need to be at the transfer point (depending on which loop they are on, which of course depends on where they are being transferred too), they get a ride there from ward members and the new missionaries get off and the ones getting transferred get on, and then they're off! Like I said it's a good system, it works really well. Except that our Zone is so out in the middle of nowhere, it would be nice if the closest transfer point wasn't like 2 hours away. But anyway it was hectic because last minute because of that storm we had to mix everything up. The storm didn't end up being anything serious, either. At least not up here. I guess they got some pretty good ice further south. We're far enough north in St. Robert that we didn't get ice, like apparently the rest of the mission did. The storm didn't hit us til really late on Thursday night morning, probably 1-2 am, but then it snowed all day. We got 8-10 inches of snow that day, which was pretty cool. It was a lot of fun. I didn't think I'd ever see that much snow on my mission. But that's about all that happened that week! I love you!

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