Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Great Week in Stockton

I have posted Elder Goodale's e-mail home to us yesterday, with some edits as some of what he wrote about involves a minor.
Me and Matt Logan
Hey everybody! We had another great week here in Stockton! Probably the biggest news is that we set a baptismal date with Lance! If he can quit smoking, he will be baptized on December 5. He's pretty excited about it, and I've definitely seen a difference in him as he's worked to change. He only had 6 cigarettes all day yesterday, which is pretty huge for him. He's totally going to do it. That makes 3 investigators who will be baptized soon, with Terry all lined up for November 21 (we'll be teaching her the Word of Wisdom tomorrow, pray for her to have strength to live it!) and Charles for December 12. No real hold ups for him. Tomorrow while we're in El Dorado we should also be setting a date with Matt. That's our goal, anyway. He's the friend of a recent convert, Leslie, who was baptized back in May. He's pretty awesome, he's been studying the church on his own for about a year and he finally just came to church the last 2 Sundays and is ready to meet with us, finally. He's really smart and really humble, I'm really excited for him.

Me and Leslie Williams
Unfortunately we are having some challenges with one of our younger investigators, a 17-year-old young lady. Her mother is using church as a punishment (withholding church and seminary attendance as a means of discipline - WONDERFUL). Her dad doesn't really care either way if she gets baptized (he's not all gung-ho about it, but he wouldn't keep her from it, either) but he doesn't have any custody so he can't give permission for it to happen. It's been pretty tough for her lately. She could really use everybody's fasts and prayers.
A big bug

Nothing else new is going on here. Keep praying for the Bradshaws that we'll get everything arranged for their General Authority interview, and that Brother Bradshaw will be able to accept the changes that he knows he needs to make. He's in a pretty tough situation, but with the Lord's help he can do it. It is a pretty tough change though. Promise me that none of you will ever live polygamy...

Transfer calls were Saturday night, and Elder Moxon and I are staying together here for at least another 6 weeks. And hopefully 6 more after that! I love you!
Brandon and Aaron Bradshaw. Two awesome little future missionaries. We were at their brother's wedding (there were a ton of non-members there, mostly pligs) and those 2 (they're both 6) wanted our name tags (they love being the missionaries). So we gave each of them a stack of pass along cards and told them to make sure every person at the party got one! They were awesome!

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