Sunday, February 22, 2009

Miracle in Knoxville, Arkansas

Nearly a week late in posting, but here is the e-mail from Elder Goodale this previous Monday, February 16th. It's amazing, all of the miracles that Justin is experiencing! It's amazing the power that Christ has in peoples' lives!
Thank you so much for my Birthday/Valentines present! I loved it! That was really great. I needed those shirts and I really liked the tie too. And all the candy. Sounds like you all had a really great week! I wish I could've gotten to see the Hi-Tops performance last week, though from what Brianna told me they did all of the numbers that would have made me cry, so maybe it's good that I wasn't there... I'm glad the weather's been nice there too. It's SO nice out here right now! It's getting into the 60's every day. We are so ready for suit coat season to be over... It usually ends March 1. I just wish it would stay this way, though I know it will get really hot, especially with all of the humidity. But for know it's really really nice.

Otherwise, we had a great week. The last couple of days were a little rough because all of our appointments cancelled on us and there really just wasn't anyone interested in talking to us the last couple days, but the rest of the week was awesome! We found 2 amazing families! The first we found tracting on Tuesday. Their names are Kurt and Krista Lemons. He's 25 and she is about the same age. They have a little 2 yeard old girl named Nevaeh (ne-vay-ah. It's heaven backwards. It's a pretty name, and it's pretty popular out here.) They are AMAZING! Such an awesome family. They were so ready for the gospel, too. They didn't make it to church yesterday, because she had to work til 4am Saturday night, but they were really bummed that they couldn't come. That was such a miracle finding them. Then the other one is even more of a miracle:

About 6 weeks ago we were in Knoxville, which is crazy in and of itself. It's a little town on the very edge of our area, about half an hour from where we live, and there are only a few hundred people there. Because of that we really never go there. We had never been there before, and we've never been there since. But for some reason that day we felt prompted to go to Knoxville. So anyway that day we were tracting and we knocked on the door and this crazy lady came out. She was there basically hiding from the law (there's really nothing anywhere near Knoxville Arkansas) and she looked horrible, all emaciated and stuff and you could tell drugs had kind of messed her up. So we talked to her a little about Jesus Christ and the healing power of the atonement, left her a pass along card, and left. To be totally honest, we never expected to see her again. Well... Fast forward 6 weeks. We were walking around in Clarksville and this lady ran up to talk to us, and she was really excited to talk to us. We vaguely recognized her but couldn't really tell where we knew her from. Well as it turns out, it was that same woman! Except she was so different! She was super super happy and she looked great! As it turns out, shortly after we talked to her she went and checked herself into rehab, and she had just gotten out when she came and talked to us. It was really exciting. She actually lives over in Little Rock, so we got her information and sent the missionaries there to her. But her daughter lives here in Clarksville, and that's who we started teaching. We talked to her that day as well and she said we could stop by. Her name is Tabitha, and her husband is Juan. They have twin girls that are 6 months old. We finally got to see them on Thursday, and they loved it too! They were at church yesterday and loved it. I'm so excited to be able to teach and baptize both of these families! They are both so ready. So things are going really really great here in Clarksville, and the Lord definitely hasn't forgotten us here. There have been alot of disappointments, but it seems like every time we get one of those there is an even bigger miracle right around the corner. I love this work! I know it's true, and there's no greater work that we could all be a part of! I love you all so much! Thanks again for everything!
Me, Krista, Nevach (baby) and Kurt Lemons

Oh by the way was Mark serious about having Bells Palsy? What's the deal with that?

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